Sunday, August 23, 2009

Old farts, young sailors, and those all important records.

Light winds in the north Atlantic have delayed 17 year-old Mike Perham's bid to become the youngest person to sail solo around the world. Now this is quite an achievement for Perham although he made many stops along the way on what was originally meant to be a nonstop circumnavigation. Perham had all sorts of problems, which had to be solved by his farther and a parade of technicians who seemed to turn up at every port. The lad also lost some credibility when he reportedly turned off his boat tracking device as he sailed through the Caribbean, because he was worried about pirates. Yes, it’s still a marvelous achievement by one so young but, if three teenage girls get there way the young Englishman will soon look like a pussy. The first is 16 year old Australian Jessica Watson. She plans to sail unaided and nonstop east about via the great Capes. Jessica will tackle the 22,000 mile voyage in a 34-foot production sloop and, according to her website; she’s leaving in mid September. Then there’s 15 year old Abigail Sunderland. She’s the sister of 17 year old Zac Sunderland. Zac recently sailed into Marina Del Ray in Los Angeles to become the youngest person to circumnavigate. Abigail says she wants to go one better than her brother and circumnavigate nonstop. Now her family is looking for a sponsor willing to dump 350,000 dollars into the pot to finance her adventure. Also throwing her hat into the ring is Dutch 13-year old Laura Dekker. Her parents say she is ready to sail nonstop around the world. However, civil servants in her home town say no way, and have refused to give her permission to be absent from school. It’s beginning to sound like reality TV isn’t it. The Sailing Anarchy website has taken up this story and reports that the ‘Unborn Sailor Association’ has announced their new effort to break the record. They say an unborn fetus named 'Baby Ernesto', will attempt to sail around the world nonstop and unassisted, to become the youngest sailor ever to do so. “They want young, we'll give 'em young,” says Sailing Anarchy. Given the fact that it’s hard to be younger than an unborn, we feel confident that this record will truly stand the test of time.
I support youngsters who want to sail nonstop around the world. But hey, do it right. If you say you are going nonstop, then make sure you prepare the boat properly on the understanding that once out there your parents are not going to get you out of the s**t. If you succeed, great, until some parent sanctions another record attempt by someone even younger who dies along the way and brings the efforts of all young sailors into disrepute.


Roan Star said...

Excellent points! I agree that it is important to encourage youngsters and support their interest in sailing, but where will this "youngest" solo circumnavigation competition end?

Sailing Anarchy are right on the money with their "Baby Ernesto" prank.

The ISAF or the WSSRC need to look at this trend of ever younger sailors attempting a very dangerous and difficult challenge.

All kudos to Mike Perham. He prepared very well and he's done a terrific job. You can join the Army at 16, so 17 doesn't seem like an unreasonably young age to attempt such a physical and mental challenge. However, there is a big difference between 17 and 13.

Anonymous said...

Why such attitude towards Perham OCEANMEDIA? Get off the kids case. Help or no help, the kid has done shedloads more than most of us will ever do and is more worthy of respect than your infantile jibes. Is it cos he's English? You sound a tad xenophobic there old man.